Gleason School

Article from “The Saline Observer” Thursday, September 9, 1937

The Gleason School stands today with modern improvements, a play ground, lighting arranged over the left should and similar changes which represent ideas of the times. Ms. Alonzo Kuder, now in her 84th year, went to school the fall she was five years old. That year the building was scarcely done in time for school to open, many finishing touches being applied after the teacher had arrived and lessons diligently studied.Pencil Drawing of Gleason School
Nathan Hunt built the structure in 1853. Ezra Gleason put in the seats, which were made of black walnut from logs in his woods. Double desks were used. A Mr. Cole did the mason work. With Nathan Hunt to do the carpenter work, Ezra Gleason the seating and Mr. Cole the masonry, the school building went forward. As opening time drew closer all worked harder and longer, that the job might be completed on time. John Cole gave the ground for as long as it should be used for a school.
At first the teacher was paid 75 cents a week and was “boarded around” – that is, given board and lodging here and there. Sometimes teachers fared well and sometimes not so well. School was held six days a week and when the teacher asked for Saturday off there was a great argument about the matter. Some felt she would not earn her money if she had a day off, some thought it rather indolent of her and she was getting lazy, some thought the pay sufficient for that much service and they should demand the full week’s work. But a compromise was reached and the teacher granted one Saturday a month for a holiday. Later it was extended to one Saturday every two weeks. Gradually the idea grew and eventually the five-day week was decided upon.
There were from 40 to 60 pupils all the time. Three teachers a year was the rule, one being engaged for the fall term, another for the winter and often the same one who taught in the fall returned for the spring term.
Some of the pupils that first year were Julia Bradley Gilmore; her sister, Amy Bradley; Sarah Harriett (Avery), mother of Mrs. John Crittenden; Lauren Cole. Others who attended were Rhue Corbett, Ester Cochran, Virginia Harring and Sarah Avery. (N.B. – There was a Sarah Harriett who married an Avery and also a Sarah Avery.)
Among the early teachers were Ollie Easlick (Corbett), sister of Mrs. Ida Cammet: Louis Tower, Elmer Stimpson; Sara Liddy Harriett, Jerome Travis, Mary Easterle (Turner); Will Owen, who died of effects of army life. Other teachers were Persus Rhymert, Helen Travis, Lizzie Gleason Stella Forbes, Sadie Jackson and her sister, Minty, Emma Cotton Hammond (Mrs. B.D.), Mattie Kleversatt, now Mrs. Hugh Craig, Edna Kleversaat (Mrs. Sam Craig), Grace Gordon Stimpson (Mrs. Elmer Stimpson), Grace Mann (Hammond Mrs. Ralph), and Pearl Waite (Kuder). The regular order in which these teachers taught the school is not known. Other teachers were Jim Collins, father of Mrs. Elfa Monroe and Mrs. Elsie Heininger, and Ida Walker.
The building was remodeled a year ago with the aid of WPA (Work Projects Administration) funds, electricity was installed, walls celotexed, new floors laid, and lighting effects modernized.
The teacher last year was Miss Geraldine Hanson, who has taught the past three years and has won the praise and admiration of pupils and their parents alike. Two boys Ralph Mehler and Frederick Hartwig, both plan to continue their education but had not definitely decide when this was written upon the school or vocation they will follow.

Class of 1942 Gleason-School-1942W
Teacher: Ilah Breen
Students: Front Row (left to right) Norris Kopka, Karen Maschino, Ron Maschino, Jack Losee, Don Maschino, Ed Jeziorski – Back Row (left to right) Kathryn Luckhardt, Ilan Breen (teacher), Hallie Jane Mehler, Marilyn Maschino, Jr. Stilts

Photo of the teacher and students with the metal they brought to school to donate to the World War II Scrap Metal Drive.

Class of 1932 and 1933
Teacher: Cal Halbert

Class of 1929
Teacher: Miss Isley
Students: Front Row (left to right) John Frazier, Marian Lord, Marie Hartwig, Joyce Vealy, Jean Vealy – Second Row (left to right) Ihez Spence, Marvin Diamond, Bob Spence, Miss Isley (teacher), Fred Hartwig, Ken Johnson


Spring 1896
Teacher: Grace McMann

Winter 1895 / 1896
Teacher: Grace McMann
First Grade: Ora Easlick – 7 and Mona Hale – 7
Second Grade: Imv Avery – 7 and Edna O’Hara – 7
Third Grade: Dessie Hale and Kilburn Hendershot
Fourth Grade: Nellie Avery, Nora Collins and John Avery
Fifth Grade: Ernest Monroe and Floyd O’Hara
Sixth Grade: Gertie Avery, Edith Avery, Forest Craig, Minta Easlick and Bertha Kuder
Seventh Grade: Pearl Easlick, Eva Gleason, Grace Gleason, Webb Harriott, Everett Monroe and Hildah Zanders

Fall 1895
Teacher: Grace McMann
First Grade: Clarence Avery – 5, Ora Easlick – 7, Mona Hale – 6, and Flora Kuder – 6
Second Grade: Imv Avery – 7 and Edna O’Hare – 7
Third Grade: Dessie Hale – 9
Fourth Grade: John Avery – 9 , Nellie Avery – 9, and Nora Collins – 8
Fifth Grade: Ernest Monroe – 12 and Floyd O’Hara – 11
Sixth Grade: Edith Avery – 10, Gertie Avery – 12, Minta Easlick – 11, and Bertha Kuder – 12
Seventh Grade: Pearl Easlick – 15, Eva Gleason – 16, Grace Gleason – ?, Ima O’Hara – 15

Class of 1853
Teacher: ?????
Students: Sarah Avery, Amy Bradley, Julia Bradley Gilmore, Ester Cochran, Lauren Cole, Rhue Corbett, Sarah Harriett, and Virginia Harring